Godkiller takes place in a dark future after economic collapse, after nuclear holy war, and after Earth is colonized by alien races. Tommy and his kid sister Lucy live in an orphanage in one of the few remaining city-states, but Lucy is critically ill and desperately in need of a new heart. Tommy's odyssey to find a new heart for his sister begins when he follows an organ-stealing prostitute named Halfpipe out of the city-state and into the savage border-land known as Outer City. Godkiller mixes unforgiving brutality, quantum physics, conspiracy theory, and secret history for an iconoclastic hero's journey like none before it. This "illustrated film" features intense comic art with mind-bending motion graphics, blood-pumping music, otherworldly sound design, and voice acting by some of the most exciting performers in genre films and youth-culture.
Director: Matt Pizzolo
Cast: Danielle Harris, Lance Henriksen, Justin Pierre
Released 27th October 2009
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this looks amazing! will definitely check it out
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