This could be a good choice for the franchise as he has dealt with people in prosthetics, big battle scenes and scary situations. Hell, if you replaced the Werewolves in Dog Soldiers with Predators then you would have a pretty effective film.
Mind you this puts paid to my whole "Neil Marshall is working backwards through the alphabet making films starting with the letter D" theory or NMIWBTTAMFSWTLD.
Do you think Marshall is a good fit for the Predators film? If not him who would be a better choice?
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I used to love his stuff. Dog Soldiers is one of my favourite films. The Descent was good. Doomsday (aside from starring the astonishingly hot Rhona Mitra) was fairly weak. It lacked the humour of DS and the creppy/edginess of The Descent. I hope he hasn't lost it already!
I like all his films. Doomsday wasn't the best film ever but for me, it was fun. I don't want to see him direct Predators. Just because I don't want to see a director I'm fond of doing a sequel to a franchise that's lost it's way.
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