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Sunday 9 November 2008

Is Thor in the Incredible Hulk? Not really

After Captain America was spotted in the blink and you miss it bit of the deleted opening of the Incredible Hulk, now someone reckons they have seen Thor. They let Film School Rejects know and, like me, they think it is all wishful thinking. I can't really see what they are getting at to be honest. Maybe in the Thor movie they could have a Hulk cameo with the same scene with Hulk roaring at the Thunder and Thor's perspective on the matter. Anyhoo, here is the screenshot. Do you see Thor, dead people, Galactus or just a load of clouds? If you squint it looks a little like Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas!


Anonymous said...

what people are calling thor is just the rock that the hulk threw 5 seconds before