Hunter Prey centers around a crew of special forces commandos who must recapture an alien prisoner that has escaped after the military transport ship carrying it crashes on a desolate and hostile planet. As Collora himself explains, "there are subtle political and environmental overtones that I certainly don't hit anyone over the head with at all, but that will hopefully make you think about things like war, politics and current events, by presenting them in situations cinematically from a uniquely different perspective." Collora already finished shooting this on a shoestring budget down in Mexico and is currently in post-production, putting on the finishing touches like a computer system voiceover and visual effects. Sounds like it could be a little like Enemy Mine.
I have no idea when this will be released, but I hope it is soon as the suits that can be seen in the photos are brilliant and if Collera can bring the same aesthetic he had in Batman: Dead End then it could well be a truly amazing sci-fi film. What do you think of the look of this film? Did you like Batman: Dead End?
In the interview over on io9, Collera explains that the film is a lot like James Cameron's Terminator, where it's "a very small piece of a much larger picture." He continues, "It concentrates on how the bigger situation (which in this case, is interplanetary war) is affecting the two main characters, who are now separated from it, and how they relate and react to their situation and each other as a result of it. As the story unfolds and more things are revealed about the characters and what their relationship is, we had to create in a sense, what we could not show."
I have no idea when this will be released, but I hope it is soon as the suits that can be seen in the photos are brilliant and if Collera can bring the same aesthetic he had in Batman: Dead End then it could well be a truly amazing sci-fi film. What do you think of the look of this film? Did you like Batman: Dead End?
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