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Thursday 7 May 2009

Johannson and Jackson have begun filming on Iron Man 2

Today, according to MTV , Jon Favreau has provided fans with two bits of information about filming on Iron Man 2 — the first of which involves the film’s new female lead.

“Scarlett’s first day on set in the Black Widow outfit,” the director wrote today on Twitter. “You’ve never heard a crew get so quiet so fast.”

Scarlett Johansson’s involvement in the movie as Natasha Romanoff has already been well publicized — but the character was originally referred to as Tony Stark’s assistant, leading some to wonder if we’d even see her action-packed persona. Yet Favreau’s comments confirm what everyone has hoped to hear: Johansson will definitely appear as a fully costumed version of the Black Widow.

In addition to verifying the arrival of an in-costume Black Widow, Favreau also confirmed that Samuel L. Jackson was filming his role as Nick Fury on the “Iron Man 2″ set. The secrecy surrounding the S.H.I.E.L.D. director’s cameo in the first film is clearly out the window, as Favreau not only revealed the character’s involvement — he spilled the beans on who he’s filming with.

“Now shooting first scene with Tony Stark and Nick Fury,” declared Favreau.

Great news indeed. Also as the Tweets were sent within a few hours of each other it could be assumed that the three actors may also have a scene or two together. I can't wait to see some photos of Jackson and Scarlett on set.

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