Exclusive interviews: Duncan Jones (Director of Moon) - Andrew Barker (Director of Straw Man) - Tony Grisoni (Screen Writer of Red Riding Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) - Michael Marshall Smith (author of Spares, Only Forward, The Straw Men etc) - Alejandro Adams (Director of Canary) - Ryan Denmark (Director of Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead) - Neal Asher (author of the Cormac series, The Skinner etc) - Marc Robert & Will Stotler (Able) - Kenny Carpenter (Director of Salvaging Outer Space)

Press Conference - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, Marion Cotillard


FEATURED REVIEWS - Public Enemies - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Moon - The Hurt Locker

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Friday 17 April 2009

Mutants - French Zombie Horror

This is a zombie movie from France that is not La Horde. However, David Morlet's Mutants looks equally good. This cool poster has just been released.

In a world devastated by a pandemic virus that turns human beings into primitive and bloodthirsty creatures, Marco (Francis Renaud) and Sonia (Hélène de Fougerolles) set off to find a secret base to escape from the 'mutants'. When the latter attack them, Marco is infected too. Little by little, he undergoes the same changes. Sonia, who is expecting a baby, is then forced to fight her worst enemy, the man she loves.

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