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Thursday 5 March 2009

Rosario Dawson to wear mask in Sin City 2

Superhero Hype have this little bit of confirmation from Rosario Dawson about the progress of Sin City 2.
Q: Jamie King said she's read the "Sin City 2" script. Have you?
Rosario Dawson: No, I have not. She's working with Frank [Miller] to possibly produce something together. I just talked to Frank about it though and said he finished it a couple of months ago so I'm really excited to get it going. Supposedly it's going to happen in 2009.

Q: Did he tell you anything specifically about the script?
Dawson: I get to wear a mask in this one. Is that specific enough?
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MT said...

interesting... first confirmation of SC2 script being done... Wonder if it's true. Super awesome if so, I'm really tired of RR doing kids movies.