Exclusive interviews: Duncan Jones (Director of Moon) - Andrew Barker (Director of Straw Man) - Tony Grisoni (Screen Writer of Red Riding Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) - Michael Marshall Smith (author of Spares, Only Forward, The Straw Men etc) - Alejandro Adams (Director of Canary) - Ryan Denmark (Director of Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead) - Neal Asher (author of the Cormac series, The Skinner etc) - Marc Robert & Will Stotler (Able) - Kenny Carpenter (Director of Salvaging Outer Space)

Press Conference - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, Marion Cotillard


FEATURED REVIEWS - Public Enemies - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Moon - The Hurt Locker

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Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Les derniers jours du monde (This is the End) - Trailer for the end of the World French style

This French film seems like it could be set in the same world as the excellent Last Night (check out the review), but with added sauciness!

It stars Mathieu Amalric (Quantum of Solace) and directed by Arnaud Larrieu and Jean-Marie Larrieu.

It's the last days on earth; a global apocalypse is about to destroy all mankind. As a final quest, a man (Robinson) sets on a journey from France to Spain, searching for the woman he once madly loved (Laetitia).

But as the world is turning upside down, Robinson’s odyssey takes an unexpected turn: most people - in the light of panic - have decided to simply enjoy their last days on the planet...In deserted castles and empty hotels, the few remaining survivors Robinson meets abandon themselves to some last moments of pleasure and lust.

Still, Robinson, though not refusing some temptations, is determined to reunite one last time with Laetitia, even if this means heading back to the high danger zone Paris...

What would you do if the world was to end tomorrow?

Source: Filmstalker