Exclusive interviews: Duncan Jones (Director of Moon) - Andrew Barker (Director of Straw Man) - Tony Grisoni (Screen Writer of Red Riding Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) - Michael Marshall Smith (author of Spares, Only Forward, The Straw Men etc) - Alejandro Adams (Director of Canary) - Ryan Denmark (Director of Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead) - Neal Asher (author of the Cormac series, The Skinner etc) - Marc Robert & Will Stotler (Able) - Kenny Carpenter (Director of Salvaging Outer Space)

Press Conference - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, Marion Cotillard


FEATURED REVIEWS - Public Enemies - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Moon - The Hurt Locker

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Tuesday 3 February 2009

The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle - Trailer

The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle is a character-driven comedy about unintended consequences. Desperate for work after being fired from his job as a data manager, Dory, a socially flawed young Christian whose piety far outstrips his faith, takes a job as a night janitor. Dory quickly embraces his new job — a profession filled with unstable people hanging on the edge of society: borderline criminals, drug addicts, dropouts, loners, and all manner of emotionally and mentally challenged misfits who, like our man Dory, find they have no other trade to pursue.

Working in a sterile office building housing a market research firm, the janitors are being experimented on surreptitiously. Eating test foods out of the trash, they wind up becoming addicted to a highly experimental cookie that gets warm in your mouth when eaten (to simulate “oven-freshness”). The consequences of this dependency include spectacular visions, wild mood swings that disrupt their friendships, and a quasi-pregnancy that only happens to the male janitors. The men must pull together to become midwives for one another as each gives birth to a small, beautiful, immaculately conceived blue fish that only lives mere moments.

Mixing live-action and innovative animation, this experimental-form narrative feature will be punctuated with dazzling, artful visual flights as it follows workers who are aliens in their own culture. Plummeting from the “white-collar” past the “blue collar” to the “brown-collar” world gives Dory a new perspective on his culture, his friends, his beliefs, and himself. Becoming one of the invisible people at the waste end of a wasteful society is only the beginning of Dory’s karmic penance and redemption.

The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle is a cinematic adventure with a fantastical plot that arcs through the characters’ lives (and bodies). It’s a simple story that carefully unfolds itself into newer and newer dimensions, but the characters and their janitorial point of view remain its heart and soul.

Discuss in the Forum


Anonymous said...

what do you think? I love the idea. its like an american, more indie and surreal version of trainspotting. really looking forward to seeing it.

Live for films said...

Think it looks great. Really want to see it.

Anonymous said...

Did you downloaded Wikileaks docs? Give me link plz
By the way, anybody home?!