Thursday 4 December 2008

Viggo Mortensen is a bit disappointed that we won't be seeing The Road just yet.

The Road was due out this month but as you all know was pushed back to next year (go out and get the book by Cormac McCarthy, it's brilliant). Viggo Mortensen has chatted with AICN at the Chicago International Film Festival about many things and The Road came up, and here's what Viggo had to say:

"I wanted to see it. I want to see how it is."

"My understanding is that they know that they've got a story that a lot of people want to see, because of the book. And, the people that read the book, which are many, were very moved by it and by this relationship between this boy and this man, in particular, in that setting. And, I think that they are really aware of the fact that they've got one chance to do it, and if there's any little things that they still want to work on a little more, to get it just right, whether it's the music --I don't know what it is -- a variety of things, they want to do it right. And, if you rush it out before you feel in good conscience it's there ... So, I am disappointed."

"But, if they think they need a little more time, then I’d rather they took it than didn’t. There’s the thought, ‘Well, maybe, we can sneak in and get an award, nomination or something, or make some money right now’. And, then, you think about it later and go, ‘Well, if we only had done this and that, we really would have finished it, and then they really would have liked it’ or something. It doesn’t bother me that much.

What I hope they don’t do is then just put it out in February or something. I hope they wait and do it at the right time. I don’t know. Do you think it’s a fall thing?"

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1 comment:

  1. They should take all the time they need, no rush.
