Thursday 11 December 2008

Learn how Star Trek: The Next Generation leads into the J J Abrams Star Trek prequel?!?

IDW Publishing has joined forces with Paramount Pictures, Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions, Kurtzman/Orci Productions and CBS Consumer Products to publish a four-issue miniseries entitled “Star Trek: Countdown.” Illustrated by David Messina, the comic book bridges the gap between “Star Trek: Nemesis” – which featured the Picard-led Next Generation crew -- and the paradoxically latest/earliest voyage of the Starship Enterprise.

The creators of the comic, writers Mike Johnson and Tim Jones, and the film’s executive producer and co-writer Roberto Orci, have revealed to CBR News that the primary function of the series is delivering a back-story for the lead villain of “Star Trek,” Nero, a Romulan played by Eric Bana. Captain Picard plays a significant role, as well

Comic Book Resources have an interview with the creators of the comic and here is a little snippet. Be sure to check out the rest of it.

What can you share about the story both in “Star Trek: Countdown” #1 and moving forward?

TJ: It’s a very poignant character piece tracing the steps of Nero, who descends from a proud Romulan patriot to a murderous arch villain.
MJ: I think fans are going to be pleasantly surprised by the story that starts in #1 and how we introduce Nero. “Star Trek: Countdown” #1 is the issue that sets the stage, and after that the action and drama will steadily increase throughout the series, culminating in a cliffhanger that can only be resolved by a big fat summer blockbuster movie.

Who are the players? Do we get everybody: Kirk, Spock, Bones, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura and Scotty? Old Spock?

TJ: Spoiler alert here. Old Spock is the only character out of your list that appears in the comic.
MJ: Although “appears” is a word with multiple meanings.

Bob Orci also said in the announcement, “It's our way of passing the baton from the Next Generation characters and their movies to the new film.” Is he talking thematically, or do the TNG characters literally play into the story?

TJ: TNG characters literally play into the story.
MJ: Both thematically and literally. Well, not literally that there’s actually a little baton that Picard hands over to the new guys – a little silver baton with the Starfleet logo, although that would be awesome. I want one. But literally, it is in the sense that the comic is the missing part of the story between the end of “Star Trek: Nemesis” and the new film.

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