Exclusive interviews: Duncan Jones (Director of Moon) - Andrew Barker (Director of Straw Man) - Tony Grisoni (Screen Writer of Red Riding Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) - Michael Marshall Smith (author of Spares, Only Forward, The Straw Men etc) - Alejandro Adams (Director of Canary) - Ryan Denmark (Director of Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead) - Neal Asher (author of the Cormac series, The Skinner etc) - Marc Robert & Will Stotler (Able) - Kenny Carpenter (Director of Salvaging Outer Space)

Press Conference - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, Marion Cotillard


FEATURED REVIEWS - Public Enemies - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Moon - The Hurt Locker

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Monday 15 December 2008

Falling Awake - One Little Pill Never Sleep Again

The near future. A radical new drug has eliminated the need for sleep. Those who can afford “The Switch” enjoy all the benefits of a 24/7 lifestyle. But Allison, a researcher for the pharmaceutical giant that created the drug, leads a conflicted life as a "Sombie" - one of the cautious few who have yet to take it. And her “mixed marriage” with Greg, an early adopter of the switch, is starting to show the strain.

All that pales when Greg mysteriously vanishes, leaving clues that he may have left her for another woman. Instead, Allison's search for her husband leads her to the alarming discovery that her employer has kidnapped him to cover up a devastating side effect of the Switch. Now it's only a matter of time before the symptoms begin to surface in the billions who have taken the drug. The 24/7 world is about to come to a screeching halt, and Allison's fight for her husband’s life becomes a desperate struggle to save humanity.

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