Thursday 14 August 2008

Lots of movies? What do you do?

What do you do when you have too many movies? Well that is what has happened to Warner Bros. With New Line Cinema and Warner Independent Pictures folding back into Warner Bros they now have a dilemma. Especially when Joel Silver has been seen showing his movie RocknRolla to other studios. However, this may have been down to the fact he knows Warner Bros have got quite a few movies to get out to the general public. Therefore, they've got to pick the best from the what they have.

As well as Guy Ritchie's RocknRolla, Warner Bros have also been trying to pass on Slumdog Millionaire (Danny Boyle's latest about a slum kid in Mumbai who win's a load of cash on the Indian "Who Wants to be a Millionaire.") It did well at various festivals, but doesn't cry out to the masses. Then there is Pride and Glory a New York cop drama originally by New Line starring Edward Norton and Colin Farrell that Warner Bros have pushed back.

Patrick Goldstein at the LA Times dug deeper in his article.

"RocknRolla" was financed by Silver's Dark Castle Entertainment, which has delivered a series of low-budget horror films to Warners, including "The Reaping" and "House of Wax." Silver's deal entitles his films to a 800-screen wide release, but Warners ultimately decides how much of a marketing spend it's willing to risk on the film. In the past, when Warners had concerns about a film's commercial prospects, it has tried a limited three-city release, supported with TV advertising, to gauge a film's reception in the marketplace. The results are rarely encouraging, which Silver knows all too well; Warners did a similar release in 2005 with the Shane Black-directed "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," a Silver-produced comedy thriller that got good reviews but never won a broader national release. It's no wonder a savvy producer like Silver would be approaching a studio like Lionsgate, which makes its living releasing edgy films like "RocknRolla."

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