Thursday 14 August 2008

Fan Poster for sequel to The Dark Knight

I think this is a great bit of fan art. Like many people they want the Riddler to be in the sequel to The Dark Knight.

Not the slightest thing is confirmed about the next Batman film, but Johnny Depp would be cool as Edwards Nigma. Brian Michael Green (that class actor from Beverley Hills 90210..note the use of sarcasm, although he is meant to be okay in the Terminator TV series) has said he would be up for playing the Riddler!

They could make the Riddler like the character of John Doe in Se7en maybe.

Who could play the Riddler or what other character from Batman's rogues gallery should Christopher Nolan use in the next movie?

Discuss in the forum.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I want to see more of the Bale/Nolan batman they have to be sooooo careful.
    The Riddler would be good, as long as they don't have him running around in a green lycra jumpsuit (no Jim Carrey).
    The Penguin would be good as long as he doesn't look weirdly like a mutated human - just a short mafia kingpin would do.
    Catwoman, Halle Berry - need I say more!?
    How about Bane? Done properly (not wasted like in Batman and Robin) the story could be great - set quite a bit after the Dark Knight, it could end with the back breaker...maybe introduce Azreal to take over!? That would be a way out for Bale if he didn't want to continue.
    Please, just one thing mr Nolan, please no Robin...or at the very least bypass Robin and go straight to Nightwing.
