Exclusive interviews: Duncan Jones (Director of Moon) - Andrew Barker (Director of Straw Man) - Tony Grisoni (Screen Writer of Red Riding Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) - Michael Marshall Smith (author of Spares, Only Forward, The Straw Men etc) - Alejandro Adams (Director of Canary) - Ryan Denmark (Director of Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead) - Neal Asher (author of the Cormac series, The Skinner etc) - Marc Robert & Will Stotler (Able) - Kenny Carpenter (Director of Salvaging Outer Space)

Press Conference - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, Marion Cotillard


FEATURED REVIEWS - Public Enemies - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Moon - The Hurt Locker

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Thursday 3 July 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still - Trailer

Finally, the trailer hits to a film that did not need remaking. The poster was up a few days ago and now we have something else to gauge the film on.

Click here to see it (slow going at the moment, be patient). *UPDATE* Trailer can now be seen below. Thankyou youtube!

From what I can gather from the trailer, Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) is some kind of humanoid body for the actual alien. He's being interrogated and asked questions such as "Are you sitting down?", "Are you human?" to which he replies "My body is". Then there's a cloud/dust thing destroying buildings and a stadium (like a larger version of the smoke creature from Lost, or the Galactus cloud from Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer). Then at the last second of the trailer there is a brief glimpse of Gort with the visor up and destruction presumably ensues.