Friday 3 July 2009

Will The Eternal find peace?

Another Vampire film but I like the story behind this one. Kind of like Dracula and Highlander mashed up.

Samuel Gradius has lived too long. In his 500 years on earth he has seen empires rise and fall, changed the course of history with his bare hands and experienced countless revolutions first hand. Samuel Gradius is a vampire, perhaps the only vampire, and he’s had enough. He wants to die. No longer content with the idea of simple suicide, he makes the decision to go out in the ways of old. He wants a warrior’s death. The Eternal follows Samuel on the pursuit of his own personal oblivion, he hopes, at the hands of someone worthy.

Apparantly their is a graphic novel prequel:

The Eternal: Final Dawn tells the life (and undead) story of Samuel Gradius, born in 1463 Scotland as Samhairle Greme. Twelve chapters tell his journey, from birth until 2009, and the first moments of the feature film The Eternal. Set against the backdrop of real history and known myth, the horrific, tragic and humorous collide in The Eternal: Final Dawn. Welcome to Samuel’s world – we can’t guarantee your safety.”

The graphic novel represents the first step in offering a unique immersive experience for an independent film, as out of the twelve total issues, the first six will be offered online in monthly installments, entirely free. The first issue is expected to be offered online later this year, and will be previewed at the upcoming Rue Morgue Festival of Fear in Toronto. You can view the teaser issue here.

Check out the official site.
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