Monday 27 July 2009

Machete - Lindsay Lohan may be in it?

Who would have seen this one coming for the cool looking Machete.

"I can't say too much about it except we start shooting in a couple weeks," Rodriguez told MTV News. "These things come together very quickly and we're casting right now. The script just came out great."

Along with addressing the uncommon need for the film to live up to its trailer, the director said the only official casting thus far has been Trejo and Michelle Rodriguez. While he wouldn't confirm rumors that Robert DeNiro might have a role in the film, he did say that Lindsay Lohan has a part waiting for... if she wants it.

"Lindsay's cool," said Rodriguez. "There's actually cool part in the movie for her if she takes it."

So she is not signed up but has a possible cool role in the movie. Do you think Lohan should be in it? What role do you think she would be playing?

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