Tuesday 28 July 2009

Holy Excalibur - Warren Ellis writing King Arthur movie

Interesting news indeed from the blog of a certain Warren Ellis - writer of Planetary, Transmetropolitan, Crooked Little Vein and so much more.
I was actually cleared to talk about this at San Diego, but all the press I
did there was Japanese-oriented for the Marvel Anime deal… so I’m going to
mention it here, to say I did, and to maybe make up for that by giving the
comics news sites something to post post-SDCC.

I’m writing a film treatment for Hollywood Gang, who co-produced Frank Miller’s 300. Hollywood Gang have previously optioned my graphic novel (with Chris Sprouse) OCEAN.

On my desk, the treatment is called Untitled Arthurian Project.

On their desk, the project is called EXCALIBUR.

I’m working directly with Gianni Nunnari, Oliver Kramer and Craig Flores (whom I was delighted to bump into on the Warner’s lot the other day) and having a great time.

So… yeah. Movie stuff. Other things to talk about soon. I’ve been sitting on that one for months
What do you reckon to that? Will it feature hints of the bleed or a certain snowflake existing in 196,883-dimensional space?

What do you want to see in a King Arthur film by Ellis?

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