Tuesday 23 June 2009

Wonder Woman - Could she be one of the Seekers

Wonder Woman is a film that has been in development hell for a long time now. Various writers and directors, including fan favourite Joss Whedon have been attached to guide DC Comics Amazon Princess to the big screen. However no one is currently at the helm.

More interest is on who will actually play Diana and fill her rather small costume. Many names have been rumoured from Beyonce to Jessica Biel. Megan Fox was recently asked about it and she said she had no interest in the role.

Now a new name has entered the internet debate and that is of Bridget Regan. She is one of the stars in Legend of the Seeker and her fans have put together an online petition to let the people in charge know she is right for the part.

“We feel that [Bridget Regan] has all the right qualities to give justice to the character of Wonder Woman,” reads the online petition located at PetitionSpot. “All we are asking is to at least give Bridget Regan a screen test to see if she fits the necessary requirements to fulfill the role of Wonder Woman.”

The statement, addressed to Warner Brothers, DC Comics, and Disney ABC currently has just over a hundred signatures from Regan’s supporters, urging anyone in charge of the project to give her a screen test.

I've not seen Bridget in action, but she certainly looks the part. As there is no director casting is still a long way away so this is one of those early rumours that usually end up as dead as a doornail.

How do you feel about Bridget playing Princess Diana? If not her then who? What director would you like to see make the film?

Source: MTV

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