Monday 22 June 2009

Real life spaceport under construction

This isn't related to a film, but it is some excellent news for fans of space flight.

For everyone looking to hop the next commercial flight to space, your departure gate has finally been announced. Almost two years after the first plans were announced, construction has finally begun on Spaceport America. The spaceport, which will serve as the launch and landing pad for Virgin Galactic flights, is the first of its kind anywhere in the world, and represents the first serious commitment of infrastructure to manned commercial spaceflight.

According to the project website the festivities kick off today with a panel of speakers, food and drink, and even a mariachi band. Tomorrow, the construction begins in earnest.

Currently, Virgin Galactic only has two space ships, so it will probably be sometime before the facility experiences O'Hare and LaGuardia level traffic.

Someday, flights will leave from this spaceport with other spaceport destinations in mind, not just a return trip to New Mexico. It’ll be the 7 a.m. flight to Tokyo, or London. Travel time will be really short and partially weightless.

They've got to have a docking bay 94!

Source: Popsci

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