Saturday 20 June 2009

Megan Fox's part just a cameo in Jonah Hex?

Jonah Hex is the facially challenged Wild West bounty hunter who is being played by Josh Brolin (check out the photos of him as Hex in the live action version). Megan Fox plays a prostitute in the August 2010 film, and sequels are in the works. Plus the character is also starring in an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

However it looks as if Fox's character is not going to be in it that much.

“It’s basically a cameo,” said Fox speaking to MTV. “She’s a twisted love-interest to Jonah’s character; my part’s pretty small.”

Jonah Hex lives in a deadly world filled with lies, lead and life-threatening encounters. Which is why Fox’s next statement made it seem even less likely that her character Leila would be returning for those sequels.

“I worked the first week, and then I was shot out of the movie,” she explained “My scenes with Josh were my favorite, because he really pushed me as an actor. He obviously knows what he’s doing.”

Although the film, directed by relative-newcomer Jimmy Hayward, is a no-nonsense genre flick, Fox was quick to point out that Josh Brolin approached it with the same acting chops as his recent Oscar-nominated work in “Milk.”

And although Megan may not get much screentime in “Jonah Hex,” she said that the film is some of her best acting yet – and Brolin’s work may be nothing short of iconic. “He is a sort of chemically-enhanced, nuclear John Wayne on steroids,” Fox said of Jonah.

I think it will be a little more than a cameo though as photos show she has at least two costumes and she previously mentioned that she'll be shooting someone. Looks like it will probably be a few scenes in the film.

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