Thursday 18 June 2009

Live for Films is 1 today

Who would have thought that the little blog I started a year ago to keep my mates updated on film things would be going strong and have a worldwide audience.

What a year it has been. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be interviewing cool filmmakers (Duncan Jones, Andrew Barker, Alejandro Adams, Ryan Denmark, Marc Robert & Will Stotler, Kenny Carpenter) and amazing authors (Michael Marshall Smith, Neal Asher) . I was invited to Channel 4 HQ to talk about Red Riding. Studios told me to take down photos and posters that hadn't been officially released. A few times I was the first with photos and news stories which was cool. Over 4000 posts, thousands of visitors, funny comments, and so much more.

What's coming up in the next year? Hopefully, a revamp of the site over the next week or two. My first press conference (Public Enemies) which will be cool if it pulls off. More interviews. If I can figure out what to do with them I may have some Live for Film pod casts. Lots of movie nights. Maybe a Live For Film Movie season at some local cinemas (just need to work out costs and things) and lots and lots of posts. Oh and I also need to find a new job to pay the bills.

Thanks to everyone who has visited the site and those who follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Friend Feed or Blogger. Thanks to all the people who have taken their time to post comments and the wonderful people who have sat down to write movie reviews for the site.Thanks to all the people on the LFF Forum (if you are not on it go and join now. There are good people on it). Thanks to all the people who send me emails with great news and links - keep them coming.

Thanks to all the other sites who have linked to me or referenced me as a source. Thanks to all the PR people for sending me trailers, press releases and screener discs.

Thanks to all my friends who share my love of film and put up with me chatting about the site. Thanks to my Wife for putting up with my web surfing for new stories and thanks to my kids for being great. Thanks to the rest of my family for all their help.

Thanks to Parallel Solutions for their patience and knowledge regarding all IT matters. Thanks to all the filmmakers for making films and to those indie filmmakers and fan filmmakers who keep on making inspiring works on a tiny budget.

Most of all thanks to you - the person reading this right now - you are brilliant and I really appreciate the time you took to read this, and other, posts. Keep coming back and tell your friends.


Discuss in the forum or leave a comment below.



  1. Congratulations \o/ this truly is an
    amazing site, thank you for giving it
    all the time and effort that you do =)

    hipp hipp hurray!
    hipp hipp hurray!
    hipp hipp hurray!

  2. Congratulations!
    Keep up the great work you are doing!


  3. Happy birthday bro'

  4. happy bday man. well done. i think i been here almost since the beginning. one of my dailies!

  5. Congratulations. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into my favourite (by far) movie blog!

  6. Congrats mate.
    The blog is awesome and keep up the good work.

    Movies. They deserve great outlets for news. :]

  7. pamela fruendt18 June 2009 at 17:53

    happy birthday lff. it's been a pleasure working with you.

  8. Happy Birthday :) Hope you keep bloging for many years to come :)

  9. Happy Birthday LFF! Your commitment and passion to the site and movies in general is an inspiration to us all. Can't believe you have acheived everything in just 12 short months. Well done Phil and keep up the great work. Have a good time at the Public Enemies Press Conference next week as well!

  10. Happy Birthday dude. i didnt forget, just fashionably late! i will try and send you more nonsense ranting and rubbish random reviews!

  11. Congrats Phil.
    Proof positive that a one year old can learn to run before it walks! Long may it continue.

  12. THOR says:
    Join me in the halls of Valhalla friend - immortality beckons!
