Tuesday 23 June 2009

Johnny Depp talks Dark Shadows and The Mad Hatter

While talking at a recent press conference in LA for Public Enemies, Johnny Depp spoke about some of his other projects. Frosty of the excellent Collider got the details. Here is what Depp had to say about Dark Shadows, the remake of the old American TV show.
“‘Dark Shadows’ is happening. Tim is working on ‘Alice in Wonderland’ which is obviously quite a large piece of work there. So when Tim is done with ‘Alice’ and we get the script, which is very, very close, in order we’ll probably attack it next year. It’s exciting, very exciting. It’s like a lifelong dream for me. I loved the show when I was a kid. I was obsessed with Barnabas Collins. I have photographs of me holding Barnabas Collins posters when I was five or six. I’m very excited to do it.”
This also seems to confirm that Tim Burton is attached to direct as previous news cast doubt on that.

Then Depp was asked about what research he had done for his role of the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.
Well, certainly the book. The book is the basis for everything. There are little mysteries, little clues in the book that I found fascinating that were keys to at least my understanding of the Mad Hatter, like him saying, “I’m investigating that begin with the letter M.” That was huge for me because when you do a little digging you realize you’re talking about a hatter, a man who made hats and if you go back and look at some of the historical hatters there’s that term that this guy or that guy is as mad as a hatter. There was a reason for that and the reason for that was mercury poisoning. So I found out what the M was and why they went nuts. So that became a huge thing. Then it was just kind of what I saw and what I thought the guy should look like. I made my little weird drawings and water colors and brought them to Tim [Burton] and he brought me his weird little drawings and water colors and they were not dissimilar [laughs]. You could’ve put them right together and they were pretty darn close. There’s a lot of color and brightness and then de-saturation in The Hatter. He’s like a mood ring I suppose.
Thanks to Pam for sending me the link and the photo. Are you excited about Alice in Wonderland? How about Dark Shadows? I've never seen it but it does intrigue me.

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