Friday 19 June 2009

Dorian Gray - Poster - He sure has a pretty picture

Ben Barnes (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian) stars in the new major feature film adaptation of Dorian Gray.

Dark Horizons got hold of this poster for the film that is due out in UK cinemas on 11th September.

'Gray' tells the story of a strikingly beautiful young man named Dorian (Ben Barnes). He arrives in Victorian London and is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic Henry Wotton (Colin Firth), who introduces Dorian to the hedonistic pleasures of the city.

When a portrait of Dorian is unveiled, such is its beauty that he makes a pledge: he would give anything to stay as he is in the picture - even his soul. "Dorian Gray" examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result.

I always liked the tale of The Picture of Dorian Gray and I say a great stage show of it a few years ago. I just hope this new film does it justice. It's got to be better than the version we saw in The League of Extraordinary Gentleman film.

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