Monday 29 June 2009

An American Werewolf in London - Can you say remake? No doubt we'll see it next Wednesday!

John Landis' classic comedy horror was one of the first film that gave me nightmares as a kid. The bit in the dream when the Nazi Werewolves kick the door in and shoot the family did it for me. A bit older and with repear viewings made me realise just how good it was.

The bit on the London tube is one of the spookiest, suspenseful scenes in an movie and the actual transformation scenes is one of the greatest physical effects ever.

Now comes a rumour which could lead to the greatness of the movie to be diminshed.

John Landis has sold the remake rights for An American Werewolf In London to Dimension Films according to a tipster over at Bloody Disgusting.

Of course even if this is true it doesn't necessarily mean that we will see a remake, but the chances are we will soon be seeing a crappy CGI wolf running around London cracking wise and looking at the camera with a wink while chewing on a bloody corpse.

Would you want to see a remake of this classic? How will they piss all over the original?

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