Friday 9 January 2009

Will the Joker be recast for the next Batman film?

MTV have the news that during last night’s People’s Choice Awards, “The Dark Knight” producer Chuck Roven cleared up some of the speculation surrounding the sequel to the celebrated Batman blockbuster, telling MTV that director Christopher Nolan and writer David Goyer are indeed “talking and thinking” about the next film.

With regards who the big bad will be in the next film you may have to read between the lines as to what Roven said next.

“We have to separate the actors from the role,” said Roven when asked whether they would’ve done anything different with Heath Ledger’s villainous Joker if they knew the actor wouldn’t be reprising the role.

“On a personal level, Heath was a friend of mine. We had worked together before ‘The Dark Knight,’ but I still think that ‘The Dark Knight’ is its own thing, and we have to separate them,” added Roven.

Does this mean that the Joker is going to be in the next film and will, obviously, have to be recast? Is he just being covering the bases? Would you want to see the Joker in the third Nolan Batman film? Discuss this more over in the Bat Forum.

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  1. Of course I'd want to see the Joker again, but I want Heath to do it. Since he obviously cant, I think they should just give that role to him. Don't include the Joker, just throw in some other villain, it's not like they can't make a good story out of it

  2. i like sweets :)
