Thursday 1 January 2009

Romeo & Juliet vs The Living Dead - Trailer

When Juliet, of noble Capulet birth, falls madly in love with Romeo, a zombie, the streets of fair Verona explode in an ancient feud. As the star crossed lovers struggle to overcome the prejudice toward their unholy union, Juliet’s best friend Mercutio fights to win her heart back from Romeo’s rotting grasp. As this timeless tragedy unfolds into a fresh new comedy, Mercutio finds that he may have to choose between Juliet’s happiness and his own life.
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  1. The HD full length trailer is now available on YouTube at The film is complete and submitting to film festivals for this year. Wish us luck!
    Ryan Denmark
    Third Star Films

  2. Cheers for that Ryan. Looks pretty good. Good luck with the film and the festivals. Any chance of an interview for the site?
