Wednesday 7 January 2009

Judge Dredd concept art - Looks very nice

I mentioned back near the start of December that Rebellion where trying to get a new Judge Dredd film going. Well now it looks as if things are moving forward with this concept art found by io9.
This lovely concept art was done by the comic book artist Jock who has worked on 2000AD, The Losers, Green Arrow: Year One and Hellblazer. Looks mighty fine indeed and looks as if they will be sticking closer to the comic than Stallone's Dredd movie ever did.

Current suggestion over in the Forum as to who could play Dredd are Christian Bale, Jason Statham, Bruce Campbell (he has the chin), Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, The Rock and Billy Zane.

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1 comment:

  1. Bruce Campbell as Old Stone Face? chuckles= I'd pay to see that.
