Friday 5 December 2008

If you could get one cool prop from a movie for Christmas, what would you pick?

Christmas is getting closer and geese are getting fatter my thoughts turn to presents, food, Father Christmas and not enought time off work. Obviously the whole point of Christmas is the gifts...and spending times with loved ones...and the birth of some kid back in thay...but mainly it's all about the gifts.

As this is a site dedicated to films (with a bit of comic, music and random stuff thrown in just to keep you guessing) I started wondering what cool item of movie memorabilia would be great to get as a gift this Christmas. You know what I'm talking about. That one piece of magic from a film that you always wish was yours, not replicas, I'm talking about the actual prop from the film (I know, I know, the real prop will more than likely be a sketchy pile of bits that on screen look great but in real life aren't so hot, but you know what I mean) - a proton pack, Indy's Fedora and whip, the actual Maltese Falcon, any piece of melted alien nasty from The Thing, the Spinal Tap Amp that goes all the way to 11, one of Nic Cage's wigs, the Cerebro helmet, that weird table made out of a wagon wheel with a glass top that you see in When Harry Met Sally, Rosebud, any Ray Harryhausen model, Little Geek from the Abyss, John Wayne's spurs, Roddy Piper's sunglasses, you get the idea.

It's not as easy as you think to pick just one thing. However, I can say with great confidence that I would pick the Plymouth Fury from Christine...or maybe the (original) Time Machine...or the Dark Crystal...or the ambulance from Ice Cold in Alex...or Steve McQueen's baseball glove from the Great Escape...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

If money was no object and you could have whatever prop, costume, vehicle, from any movie what would you pick? Go ahead and click on the comments below and let me know.

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  1. Neat question. I would like the book from Pan's Labryinth. Actually anything from a del Toro film would be great

  2. Man, choices choices...uhh, The poncho that Clint Eastwood always wears, or... the glaive from Krull, or the mask that The Predator wears...or..uh..the .44 magnum used by Dirty Harry or the freaking monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alex DeLarge's cane, The holy hand grenade from Monty Python and The Holy Grail..too many choices.

    Can i have 'm all?

  3. All good choices Daan. Go on have all of them on me. Merry Christmas! No Krull though - although the glaive is a nice design

    The monolith would be cool. Anywhere on the web selling them?

    Funny you should mention Clint's poncho as the wife and I just got back from seeing The Good, The Bad and the Ugly at the Liverpool Philharmonic. Great night despite them getting the last reel in upside down. Funny seeing it run backwards though! Amazing to see the film on the big screen.

  4. Oh, youre so lucky, i really should get some GBU fans together, and write to a cinema to show it, or start a petition of some kind.

    but i doubt they will do something with it, dutch cinemas dont really care about classic films :( (in my experience that is) and i'll be sure to tell them to get the reels right :P

  5. An interocitor from This Island Earth!

  6. Id love to touch Frodos ring!!

  7. Bad Gollum, Dirty Gollum in your bed! :)

  8. My smelly precious!!!

  9. i'd take a script from tim burton's alice in wonderland. ok...from almost any burton film.
