Tuesday 11 November 2008

UPDATED: The U.S.S. Enterprise in all its J J Abrams Star Trek Glory

EW have the exclusive on the new look Enterprise from the forthcoming Star Trek reboot.

Here, in this first look at Abrams' take on the Enterprise, you not only see his vision of the ship, but his attempt to evoke that sequence from the first film that so captured his imagination. If you're thinking, "Wow! It looks the way the Enterprise has always looked"—well look at the big Spock brain on you! Abrams wanted to take the original TV series Enterprise and the movie franchise Enterprise and fuse them together into a new yet familiar Enterprise. His ambition was a ship that felt very realistic, that could "stand up" to today's f/x standards—and beyond. "If you're going to do Star Trek there are many things you cannot change. The Enterprise is a visual touchstone for so many people. So if you're going to do the Enterprise, it better look like the Enterprise, because otherwise, what are you doing?"

Looks pretty classic and cool. What are your thoughts on it? The trailer is due out in the USA this Friday with the release of Quantum of Solace over there.

UPDATE: Below is a look at the original version of the USS Enteprise so you can compare them.



  1. If the trailer can top the teaser, I'll be uncontrollably stoked. That teaser was breathtaking.

  2. I agree with you Steve. I really can't wait for the new trailer and I'm really looking forward to the film.

    Your site's cool by the way.

  3. looks like the previous Enterprise...As I see it, maybe that will change in the inside

  4. The differences are only minor but the whole thing looks a little sleeker and curvier. I'll keep looking for a decent picture of the original version to compare it to

  5. Naff!!


  6. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Llxf0Z81zHA/SRoMG-a_zKI/AAAAAAAACGo/h90Jko7_LSQ/s1600-h/enterprise579_l.jpg

    not so naff!

  7. Sorry shoulf have been!


  8. Ahh i see whats happenin ere! its cutting off the /EnterpriseTop.htm from the end of my url! BAH!
