Thursday 20 November 2008

Twilight - Vampire love sells out in the box office. It's going to be big. Where's Blade when you need him?

According to Variety, Summit Entertainment’s new teen vampire flick, Twilight, has already sold out almost 2,000 showings, 600 of them midnight showings. It is based on the book by Stephenie Meyer. It stars Kristen Stewart (Into the Wild) as Bella and Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) as Edward.

IMDB give the following summary of the film, "Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she didn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen. For Edward is nothing like any boy she's ever met. He's nothing like anyone she's ever met, period. He's intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance - unorthodox because Edward really isn't like the other boys. He can run faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands. Oh, and he hasn't aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he's immortal. That's right - vampire. But he doesn't have fangs - that's just in the movies. And he doesn't drink human blood, though Edward and his family are unique among vampires in that lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Somehow or other, they will have to manage their unmanageable love. But when unexpected visitors come to town and realize that there is a human among them Edward must fight to save Bella? A modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal."

From what I can gather you will love it if you are a young teenage girl and the books have been hugely successful in that demographic. If you do a quick look around the web though you will also see that the Twilight books (they are working on sequels to the film) are also hated by an awful lot of people. Either way it looks as if the film is going to be hugely successful so if you don't like the books you won't be best pleased.

Jeffrey Wells says Summit Entertainment is insisting on a no-review embargo on Catherine Hardwicke's Twilight for another 36 hours or so (12:01 am on Friday, 11.21), although the Chicago Tribune's Michael Phillips has said his review will be up tomorrow (i.e., presumably sometime late tonight online). It can be deduced that Summit is expecting a torrent of press negativity. Well, they're wrong. At least as far as this horse is concerned....

Are you a lover or hater of Twilight? Will you be going to see the film?



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