Tuesday 18 November 2008

Star Trek - Some more info on recent footage - Spoilers

ComingSoon has more details on the 20-ish minutes of Trek footage that screened for journalists recently. Apparently, in the first scene, where we see Kirk hit on Uhura, it starts out in rural Iowa, then a car zooms into a futuristic oasis that looks sort of like Las Vegas. There, Uhura orders a ton of drinks, and Kirk leans out from behind an ugly alien and comments that that's a big drink order for a woman. Uhura tells Kirk she's studying xenolinguistics, expecting him not to know what that means. And he impresses her by saying it's the study of alien languages. Then the cadets beat on Kirk, until Pike breaks it up by whistling. Kirk comments on how loud Pike can whistle. Later, they sit together and Pike lays it on thick, trying to recruit "genius-level offender" Kirk for the Federation, telling him he'll make officer in four years. Kirk rides his motorcycle through the cornfield the next day, then finds Pike and tells him he'll do it in three years instead. And then when Kirk tries to warn the Enterprise crew of the Romulan attack, it turns out Uhura speaks three dialects of Romulan. When he tells Captain Pike and second-in-command Spock his theory, Spock says "The cadet's reasoning is sound." In the third scene, when Old Spock meets Kirk, they also run into Scotty, who's been exiled to Vulcan because his experiments into using Transporter technology on a moving starship didn't work out so great. (He beamed an Admiral's beagle to who-knows-where.) Kirk tries to convince Old Spock to beam up to Enterprise with him, but Old Spock says it's not his destiny. When Kirk and Scotty beam up, Old Spock does the V-sign and says "Live long and prosper." In the fourth scene, the "Romulan drill on Vulcan" scene, Pike beams down to Vulcan, leaving Spock in command and making Kirk Spock's first officer. Then Pike, Kirk and Sulu are in a falling ship along with a redshirt named Olson. Kirk, Sulu and Olson parachute out of the ship to stop that drill, but Olson gets cocky and leaves it to the last minute to open his chute — with hilariously fatal results. [Coming Soon]
Source: io9

1 comment:

  1. Just looking at those photos of Scotty (Simon Pegg) and McCoy (Karl Urban) from the trailer I just noticed that they seem to be pulling almost the exact same face! Not much of a point I know, but I'm tired.
