Tuesday 25 November 2008

Pascal Laugier to direct Details based on China Miéville short story.

Pascal Laugier who was due to direct the Weinstein Company's Hellraiser remake is now going to direct a horror thriller for Paramount Vantage Details. Laugier, of the highly praised French horror film Martyrs most recently, will write and direct the adaptation, which is based on a short story by China Miéville from his collection, Looking for Jake. The film centers on a daughter who disappears after awakening supernatural forces that inhabit the random patterns of everyday objects.

China Miéville is one of my favourite authors and writes "weird fiction". He wrote the excellent Perdido Street Station and The Scar amongst others. The latter has a dolphin in it called Bastard John which is just genius!

Details deals with the psychological phenomenon known as Pareidolia which involves a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds (hence the photo on this article), the man in the moon, Jesus in a potato and hearing hidden messages on records played in reverse.

According to reports, Laugier is still attached to direct the Hellraiser remake. But with the Weinstein Company on the ropes, it's likely that Laugier will shoot Details before he gets back to Hellraiser. Martyrs won't be out on DVD until next year.

Any other China Miéville fans out there excited to see a film based on one of his stories? I've just reread The Scar and would love to see that on the big screen.

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  1. !driew gnihtyreve sekam ellivieM anihC tahT ?sdrawkcab gnihtyreve gnipyt retupmuc ym si yhw

  2. WTF! Did a cat just walk across a keyboard?

  3. WTF! Did a cat just walk across a keyboard?

  4. Looks like it has been done backwards. Must have been tricky to do
