Saturday 15 November 2008

UPDATED: Official New Star Trek Trailer is out

Here's the trailer for J J Abrams Star Trek. I posted the description a few days ago and now you can have a look yourself. Cheers to James for finding it and posting it on his Basket Case web site. I think the trailer looks great and I love the little nod to the original theme tune at the end. Have a look at it below and let me know what you think, especially you non-Star Trek fans. Does this trailer make you want to see the film?

UPDATE: Here is the better quality version of the trailer. Check out the USS Enteprise comparison photo here. We finally get to hear Simon Pegg's Scottish accent.


  1. Not bad at all! PLEASE PLEASE dont let pegg be the weakest link LOL! that would be baad!

  2. I have faith in the Pegg! I hope he isn't just a comic relief kind of thing in the movie. Trailer looks great.

  3. This looks terrible. I was trying to reserve judgment until this came out but, my god that trailer is shit.

  4. It's not that bad (apart from the kids at the start)

  5. I think it looks okay ..and im a tw*t!
