Tuesday 25 November 2008

Gerard Way talks about The Umbrella Academy's next series and the film adaption

Umbrella Academy” writer (and My Chemical Romance frontman) Gerard Way and artist Gabriel Ba have been busy at work on the next mini-series of the excellent and weird comic book. Gerard has been talking to MTV about both. (The Wiki entry for it is here to bring you up to speed)
With the critical and commercial success of “The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite” under its belt, the Eisner-winning collaborators continue with “The Umbrella Academy: Dallas,” which hits stores this week through Dark Horse Comics. Bearing fan expectations in mind, the duo spoke confidently of their vision for the future of “The Umbrella Academy” — both in terms of the comic series as well as the fast-tracked “Umbrella Academy” feature film.
“We really truly hadn’t anticipated ['Apocalypse Suite'] to be so well-received and get so much attention,” said Way, “So that obviously kind of raised the stakes, [and] not in a negative way. If anything, it’s forced us to go even further to not pay attention to what people think about it or what they’re going to think about it.”
His collaborator, Ba, agreed, and thinks fans have been quick to realize that the platinum-selling artist is one of their own (not really a secret, considering before starting MCR, Way attended art school and interned at DC Comics). “I think that we have overcome the initial point of ‘Gerard is a musician writing a comic’ and all the attention that got us, both good and bad, and now we just have to focus on doing the best we can on the following series,” said Ba.

“Dallas” opens to a familiar sight. “Are we really fighting another monument?!” shouts a ten-year-old Kraken as he and his super-powered siblings engage a giant, fire-breathing Lincoln Monument. Once again Ba’s economic line balances form with function, adding stylish gravitas to Way’s quirky, cinematic dialogue. It’s like a Wes Anderson movie penned by a feverish Grant Morrison.
“Every single issue is taking some kind of very big risk, and that’s been amazing,” said Way.But “Dallas” isn’t the only project expanding the “UA” mythos. With the “Umbrella Academy” movie green-lit for production through Universal, Way’s been busy navigating Hollywood for the right talent to ensure a faithful-yet-fresh film.

“They want me really involved, which is flattering. So I’m going to be as involved as I can, while at the same time relinquishing control of the stuff,” said Way, “I’d like to be available to them but at the end of the day I’m not going to tell them how to do their job.”

As involved as Way is though, there is one thing he won’t be doing – writing the script, especially with writers like Diablo Cody (”Juno”) popping up as potential candidates.

“I’m definitely going to turn it over to a screenwriter. I even got Final Draft so I can figure out what they do,” said Way, “The craft of actually writing the screenplay as far as the pacing, that’s something that’s alien to me.”
Way says he wants an entertaining script with action, but most importantly it needs to feel like, “a quirky art-house film.”

Busy at the drawing board, Ba hasn’t involved himself with the movie just yet, but has high hopes for a future “Umbrella” onscreen adaptation as well as for comics themselves.

“I’d like [the film] to be a great experience for the public who doesn’t even know it was a comic book and I’d love to get everyone who sees the movie into the stores to buy comics.”

MTV also have a preview for issue 1 of The Umbrella Academy: Dallas so go on over and take a look.

Have you read the first Umbrella Academy mini series? What did you think of it? I loved it and thought it had a Grant Morrison Doom Patrol vibe running through it, plus the artwork was stupendous. If it does make it to the big screen who would you like to see playing the various members of The Umbrella Academy? I personally feel it should be a stop motion thing in the vein of The Nightmare Before Christmas, but that's just me.

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    Год назад начала процесс о раделе имущества и ве не как он не закончится,выдохлась! Подскажите как ускорить это дела, сторона от ветчика явно затягивает дело. А на суде обвиняют меня, за год было 8 заседаний,три не было по моей вине(болезнЬ),ответчик не явился 5 раз, (точнее адвакат ответчика прежний не приходит написал доверенность),
    судья 2 раза у был в отпуске отлаживали буквально по 2 месяца. Должно быть 2 заседания в месяц. а уменя всего их 8 раз было. тоесть половину небыло,подозреваю что бм уже снюхался с судьей. Как выдержать этот ад.,Предлогает мировую,но сумму поводает мизирную, 5 часть от требуемой мною. Подделыват документы плюс лже очевидцы, у меня только факты,не хочу опускаться ,документов довольно от меня,но требуют такого, что я не могу предоставить,Причем ссылаются на то,что без этого невозможно вынести решение,хотя я предоставила документы. Ответчик не приходит на суд не смотря на просьбы судьи, а он не вызывает его законно по повестке. Идет такая милая беседа с его адвокатом,что ответчик очень занят и т.п. Как заставить вынести решение, я уже на районный суд не надеюсь,думаю об областном.

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