Monday 17 November 2008

UPDATED: The Dark Knight - Should it be nominated for Best Picture? Will it win if it is?

The above advert was placed in Variety by Warner Bros. They are pushing for The Dark Knight to be nominated in The Best Picture category at the Oscars. Do you think it should be nominated and if it is do you think it has a chance of winning? What movies do you think it will have to beat?

UPDATE: The Entertainment Blur have a great article on why The Dark Knight will be nominated. Well worth a read. Thanks to Hercules Rob for the heads up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. I just wrote a post on my blog about why The Dark Knight WILL be a Best Picture nominee. Check it out here

    As for what movies it'll have to beat... I think David Fincher's film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is going to be amazing. Also, Gus Van Sant's Milk should be a top contender. Then throw in Revolutionary Road to the mix of Best Picture nominees. And finally, which low budget independent film will make this year... none else but another Fox Searchlight film, Slumdog Millionaire.
