Thursday 13 November 2008

Crossing Over - Trailer for Harrison Ford's latest film

Immigrants from around the world enter Los Angeles every day, with hopeful visions of a better life, but little notion of what that life may cost. Their desperate scenarios test the humanity of immigration enforcement officers. In "Crossing Over," writer-director Wayne Kramer explores the allure of the American dream, and the reality that immigrants find and create -- in 21st century L.A.

Starring: Harrison Ford, Jim Sturgess, Ashley Judd, Alicia Braga, Alice Eve, Ray Liotta and Sean Penn (cheers for the assist Falfa!)



  1. You can see an edited trailer I created using just the footage about Jim Sturgess' character, Gavin Kossef, who is based on director Wayne Kramer's own experiences with U.S. immigration.

    (copy & paste link)

    ***** SPOILERS ******

    Sturgess plays a British-jewish singer, who masquarades as a Jewish rabbinical student to get into the U.S. illegally. Sturgess wrote and performed two songs in the movie. According to my source, "Make Your Mind Up," was used as background music in one of the scenes and another jim-song was performed on stage by him.

    Apparently Jim's charcter (Gavin) has an Austrailian girlfriend who has sex with an INS agent in order to stay in the country. There's a very emotional scene where Gavin confronts his girlfriend when he finds out about the affair.

    Jim's performance was outstanding, especially one scene where, under tremendous pressure Gavin is forced to sing in Hebrew to prove himself in front of a rabbi and INS agent. He apparently doesn't know Hebrew and fakes it, while the rabbi covers for him.

  2. throw me the whip.. ill throw you the green card!

  3. That's cool info Fantasy Girl. Good trailer editing as well. Thanks very much for the info. If you have seen the full film then feel free to send me a full review of it to post on the site - send it to

  4. Umm... wasn't Sean Penn in this movie??

  5. Doh! He is indeed in it Falfa. Now how on earth did I miss that!

  6. I know this movie was re-edited to make it faster and punchier. Perhaps they have dropped Penn as he doesn't feature and isn't credited in the trailer.

  7. It is weird. He is down on IMDB but not shoing in the trailer
