Saturday 22 November 2008

Avatar - Concept art for the Na'vi in James Cameron's sci fi epic

MarketSaw found these lovely peices of concept art for the alien race, the Na’vi, in James Cameron’s upcoming 3D sci-fi epic Avatar. The art work was created by concept artist Jonay Bacallado.
So these fully painted images will be all CGI-ified into photo realistic aliens on a jungle planet.
The film tells the story of a paraplegic war veteran named Jake, who is summoned to a planet in order to help exploit the planet’s resources. The planet is inhabited by a primitive alien race called the Na’vi. Humans are able to create Avatars, genetically engineered copies of the aliens, that they are able to control. Jake unexceptionally falls in love with one of the alien creatures.
Let me know what you think of the concept art? Avatar is due out in December 2009
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  1. Avatar is nr:1 on my wishlist of unreleased movies. And still is after i've seen this art.
    Its not exceptional or anything but i still have faith in the movie so i guess its just fine ;)

  2. I'm curious to see how these aliens move in the final film.

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