Thursday 23 October 2008

Zac Efron denies rumour that he'll be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Shiny faced, make-up wearing Zac Efron has denied reports he is set to star in the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean movie - but insists he would love to be asked.

Tabloid reports last week speculated that Efron would be groomed to eventually take over from Johnny Depp in the Disney franchise.

It was said that the High School Musical star would pick up a $10 million (£6.1 million) paycheque for the starring role.

However, Efron told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show in Los Angeles on Wednesday morning: "Honestly, at this time it's just a rumour."

But the actor is hopeful it could happen - and would snap up the opportunity if it was offered to him, adding, "I wish I was going to be in Pirates of the Caribbean 4, so hopefully that will happen for me."

I pray to whatever deity that is out there that this never comes to pass. What do you think?



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