Wednesday 22 October 2008

Sherlock Holmes script review from The Playlist

The good people over on The Playlist have got hold of the script for Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movie. It's a good review and basically says it will be an enjoyable romp but not a classic. Here are some snippets.

Like Johnny Depp in 'Pirates,' Robert Downey Jr. will probably make watching Holmes a lot of fun (for the first episode, err, franchise installment anyhow). The new Sherlock is a curious fellow who's not so stiff as past incarnation. He loves to get soused, to box in underground clubs for free and more than anything lives to to detect and do his job. The writer posit him as an aimless man who only comes alive when there's a serious riddle, challenge or villain to solve/tackle (and of course all three the better).

An old school cross between Batman and CSI (version 1.0) Holmes is almost MacGyver like in his seemingly impossible (and amusing) makeshift levels of deduction (Scratches on his door frame? He's an alcoholic cause he can't fit the key in the door soberly!)

His method of true detecting meditation - when it really counts! - is unintentionally hilarious. He squawks away on a violin, parsing his mind rapidly through the labyrinth of clues and possibilities and as he gets closer to solving the dilemma, the cacophonous music begins to subside and become smoother and listenable - of course it does, he's almost figured the complex riddle out! He knows where the bad guy is. Elementary my dear Watson!

Watson 2000 (to be played by Jude Law) on the other hand wants out of the game, he's getting engaged and wants to free himself from the detecting racket despite the excellent asset he is. This friction between the two friends is a dynamic that vacillates back and forth, but you can surely figure out where it goes as its arc is all too predictable and even eye-rolling at times.

What do you think of that?



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