Friday 31 October 2008

The Random

Bubba Nosferatu - Bruce Campbell is out. Ron Perlman is Elvis, Paul Giamatti is Col. Parker.

Samuel L Jackson and Maggie Cheung have joined Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds

A final trailer for Bryan Singer's Valkyrie movie is out.

My Name is Bruce Trailer is still out there.

Gary Oldman will join the Denzel Washington-led post-apocalyptic action film Book of Eli for Warner Bros. Pictures' reports Variety.

Trailer for Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire is out.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, David Lindsay-Abaire, a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright in 2007 could very likely be writing Spider-Man 4. Lindsary-Abaire won the Pulitzer for his dramatic play Rabbit Hole.

According to Variety, screenwriter Chris Bryant has died at 72.This scribe is known for writing such films as Nicholas Roeg's upcoming Don't Look Now, Tristan and Ysolt and Stealing Heaven. Some of his TV credits include One Against the Wind and Miracle At Midnight.



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