Thursday 16 October 2008

Raimi talks about Spider-Man 4 and the Lizard

Sam Raimi has been talking to MTV about the new Spider-Man movies. Looks like things are moving forward on them. I just hope they are better than the third one.

“I’m really excited about Spider-Man, and I’m hoping to direct it,” he cautioned. “I don’t have a script yet, but production would start probably by March of 2010, I’m guessing. It sounds like a long time away, but we need a script first, and a lot of pre-production has to take place.”

The filmmaking legend also revealed to us that there is a lot of truth behind rumors that he might shoot the next two “Spider-Man” films at the same time. “That had been talked about,” he said, deferring to the head of his studio. “It’s Amy Pascal’s decision. I don’t think it has been decided yet, and she’s the one that’s really going to make that decision; I’m really curious myself.”

By his own admission, “Spider-Man 3” was an exhaustive film to shoot, but Raimi is confident he can handle the double duty. “It would be a real endurance test, probably only Peter Jackson knows how hard something like that would be,” he marveled, hinting that “4” and “5” would be very closely linked in storyline. “If Tobey and me, and all the producers, like the story for two pictures and Amy wanted to do it, then we would do it. It just hasn’t been written yet.”

Finally, Raimi offered comment on the wishes of fans (and yours truly) to finally let Dylan Baker’s storyline come to fruition. “He’s a great actor, and I think one day The Lizard’s story will be told,” he teased, referring to Baker’s Curt Connors character. “I don’t know if it will be this one or not. I just don’t know. I’m definitely hoping to work with Dylan in the picture. I just don’t know who the villain is yet.”

What do you think of the news? Do you want to see the Lizard as the big bad or someone else? How could they improve upon the third movie?



  1. I think it's about time the Lizard's story was told... because it does offer a good bit of... well, story...

    Now... I'm not saying that the Lizard can carry all of the plot 4 &/or 5 alone... but he'll be able to help a great bit.

  2. The Lizard has been a teaser for all Spidey fans in the previous movies.

    I think they'll probably use him as a sub plot in one of the next movies.

    Hope they don't try and stick as many bad guys in as they can.

    I hope they use Mysterio or Kraven.

    Hmm, they may well have the Lizard in it and have Kraven turn up to hunt him down.

    Would be good if they introduced Kraven in the 4th film and then do Kraven's Last Hunt in the 5th. That was great story. Who could play Kraven though?

    They could also do a good story with the Chamealeon (sp?) framing Spidey for various crimes.

    I also really want to see lots more Spidey action of him swinging around the city fighting general crime stuff as well.

  3. Its a shame though that we will have to start all the character development all over again from the firt film.. thats exactly where spidey 3 left us.. a backwards step. i say ditch Tobey Maguire and the Wench and get a new face in.. one that can act!
