Wednesday 29 October 2008

Holy Gort! We finally get to see him - The Day the Earth Stood Still 5 minute trailer

Finally we get a glimpse of the new version of Gort. What do you think of him? He looks pretty cool in my opinion. What do you think of the trailer

'The Day the Earth Stood Still' 5 Minute Trailer @ Yahoo!7 Video
Empire magazine also have 4 exclusive new photos from the film. One of which I posted back on the 17th October so not really that exclusive. Still the others are okay.



  1. Pity the trailer's not working. I've tried looking at it on a number of other sites and it is all the same not working thing. Guess they are inundated or something.
    Good news on getting that photo earlier. I thought I had seen it before when I checked out the Empire site

  2. Gort looks bad ass
