Wednesday 8 October 2008

Conspiracy Fail - Beware of the rainbows

Not in the slightest bit film related but it made me laugh out loud. I think the woman talking is totally serious about her amazing discovery of the evil machinations perpetrated by her government. Thanks to Alan S for sending me the link.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter.



  1. I laughed, then got angry! Retards like her are the reason the world is in the state it is! She shouldnt be allowed to vote, never mind breathe! Now i know why bush got a second term!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is FRIGHTENING!

  3. I don't know which scares me more: the voice over in the video or your first comment!

    Anyway, I find both terribly funny in their own right.

  4. Hoooooookaaay!!!!!!!!

  5. Where is Mr. Wizard when you need him?

  6. I bet she's a f###ing teacher! For every cool person you meet, there's a total dick to bring you back down a peg. Can't fault her enthusiasm, though.

  7. I have always worried about the still adolescent nation that is america.... now I am terrified. Solution? Give every american the gun they so crave and a large supply of bullets. Within days the rampant paranoia of everyone having a gun will see off those we can do without - and leave those who the world needs hiding or leaving quickly. I really doubt that a change to an intelligent president is going to have any marked effect on a nation that was unlucky enough to suffer bush for so long. The rest of the world was damaged enough!
