Thursday 30 October 2008

Christopher Nolan discusses Batman, Heath Ledger and Superman

Christopher Nolan has been talking to L.A. Times Hero Complex about why we won't be seeing his Batman meeting the Justice League and Superman anytime soon. He also discusses Heath Ledgers performance and the possibility of a third Batman movie.

"I don’t think our Batman, our Gotham, lends itself to that kind of cross-fertilization,” explained Nolan in the Hero Complex piece. “If you think of ‘Batman Begins’ and you think of the philosophy of this character trying to reinvent himself as a symbol, we took the position — we didn’t address it directly in the film, but we did take the position philosophically — that superheroes simply don’t exist. If they did, if Bruce [Wayne] knew of Superman or even of comic books, then that’s a completely different decision that he’s making when he puts on a costume in an attempt to become a symbol. It’s a paradox and a conundrum, but what we did is go back to the very original concept and idea of the character. In his first appearances, he invents himself as a totally original creation.”

With regards Heath Ledger possibly being nominated for an Oscar.

“I think the thing that has always been important to me in light of Heath’s death is the responsibility I’ve felt to his work,” said Nolan. “I felt a great wave of relief, really, as people first started to see the performance and it was clear that they were getting the performance. It’s easy to forget with everything that’s happened what an enormous challenge it was for Heath to take on this iconic role. It’s been extremely satisfying for all of us already. Anything that adds to that would be wonderful.”

Boucher asks the director, given how important the franchise has become to Warner Bros., if he’s been under pressure from the studio to come back for an encore.

“[Warner Bros. are] being extremely gracious,” Nolan responded. “I have a very good relationship with the studio. They know that I really needed to go on holiday and take some time to figure what I want to do next. They’ve been very respectful of that, which is terrific and one of the reasons I enjoy working with Warner Bros.”

What do you think of that?



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