Thursday 9 October 2008

Captain Jack could be getting told what to do by Tim "It's all in the reflexes" Burton*

Cinema Blend have news of a rumour stirring in the briny ocean. Aye, Jim lad it be just a rumour. Oo Ahh, a bottle of rum and all that malarkey.

I mentioned a while ago that Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is going to happen and Johnny Depp is happy to return as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Todays rumour deals with the nebulous possibility that Tim Burton could possible maybe supposedly be directing the fourth installment. This could be pretty cool and the fact Depp is still involved may bring his mate Burton on board. The rumour also mentions a few other things:

1. The film could deal with Jack's search for the Fountain of Youth.

2. Captain Jack's brother could be part of the story and the names Sacha Baron Cohen or Russell Brand are being bandied about. I think it would be wrong of them to go with a copy of Captain Jack which is what Russell Brand would possibly do.

3. Geoffrey Rush and Gore Verbinski (director of the first 3) are also said to return but if the Burton rumour is true then I can't see what Gore would do.

What do you think of the rumour? Would you like to see a Tim Burton Pirate's movie? What would you like to see in the next one?

*Yes I know it was Jack Burton who said "It's all in the reflexes" I just wanted to get the quote in somewhere. I was trying the Capt Jack, (tim) Burton thing but it just wasn't working.



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