Monday 8 September 2008

UPDATE: Will Smith NOT to be Captain America

First Showing have the rumour which fits in with the Super Soldier programme and the Truth: Red, White & Black mini series. They don't actually mention Steve Rogers so he could have been offered the role as Isaiah Bradley in a opening sequence maybe. Pure conjecture at the moment:

This just in - an enormous casting rumor for Captain America has just hit! Apparently Derek Luke, who stars in the upcoming Miracle at St. Anna, told MTV that "they offered Will Smith Captain America." You heard that right, apparently the latest superhero casting rumor to hit is that Will Smith is Captain America!

"Just shows you how times have changed," Luke mentioned. I hate to bring this up, but I think it'll be the most poignant area of a discussion: a black Captain America. To be perfectly clear, I have no problem with it, and I support Will Smith. However, as far as I know, there hasn't been a black Captain America in the comics or in the character's 67 year history. But that's all besides the point, especially since we saw Samuel Jackson take on the role of Nick Fury in Iron Man. The First Avenger: Captain America is slated to hit theaters on May 6th, 2011, so we've got some time before they finalize this role. And considering Matthew McConaughey was rumored before, don't expect this news to be the final news for a while.
UPDATE: AICN have checked and as expected it's not true.
Hey folks, Harry here to restore your faith in the world - Multiple sources from MARVEL have confirmed that Derek Luke, of Spike Lee's MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to Will Smith and CAPTAIN AMERICA. Marvel never offered the part, nor did they approach or entertain a conversation about Will Smith for CAPTAIN AMERICA. That said - I'm sure they have a few parts that they'd like him for, just not Captain America.
So there ya go. They haven't gone insane and we don't need to be confused, angry and scared about it anymore.


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