Friday 5 September 2008

Spider-Man 4 & 5 shot back to back? Raimi and Maguire are in

Spider-Man 3 was a big disappointment to me. Emo Parker, the waste of Venom and it was all just a bit naff. Bruce Campbell was cool though and the Sandman looked good. They should have stuck with the Sandman and Vulture partnership which would have worked better and is so obvious when you see the set up of the end battle. They should have introduced the black suit near the end and not had Venom in the next movie.

I digress though. News on the street is that Sony have got Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi signed up for Spider-Man 4 and 5 (which may be shot back to back) Kirsten Dunst has yet to sign (I hope she doesn't as her whinyness bugged me).

No news on the who the bad guy will be, but the money is on the Lizard making an appearance as Dr Connor (the one armed teacher of Peter's) has been in the first 3 and so would be the logical choice - For those who don't know Doc Connor injects himself with a serum derived from lizards to try and regenerate his lost arm, only it turns him into a great big beastie lizard thing. However, there are loads more villains they can choose from. Mysterio could be great as his whole schtick is special effects. Electro would also be visually pleasing. Chameleon would also work well and could give a pretty good story as people think the real Spider-Man has turned to crime.

I personally think they will have a couple of villains in Spider-Man 4 (any two out of The Lizard, Kraven, Mysterio, Electro, Vulture, the Hobgoblin, Chameleon etc) and then have the Sinister Six in Spider-Man 5.

I personally hope they tie it in with the other Marvel movies (Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America etc), but as it is Sony and Marvel Studios they would have to come to some agreement for that to work.

Deadline Hollywood have lots more on this including the possible Venom spin-off. I say more action less lovey dovey emo crap.

Now who will Bruce Campbell be playing in the next one?


  1. Awesome!! Spidey rocks. I agree with you on Venom though. They royally wasted him in the third one

  2. They will suck. Maguire cannot act

  3. Can I be in it? I can play anyone

  4. i hope bruce Campbell plays Quentin Beck/Mysterio in the next movie

  5. OH NO! i think spidey 1 + 2 are ace but please no maguire its just baaaad! and get rid of that MJ! RE-BOOT!
