Thursday 18 September 2008

UPDATED: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as Thomson and Thompson in Tintin movie

News here of a rumour that Pegg and Frost could be playing identical twins in Spielberg's Tintin movie. The only twins in the books that I can think of are the crap detectives Thomson and Thompson. Now the rumour mentions that Spielberg will overlook the pairs physical differences. As it is going to be a CGI motion capture thing I can't really see the look of the actors being a factor.

As for Tintin, nothing has been formally announced. But the very latest solid rumor is that Frost and frequent collaborator Pegg have been cast as identical twins in a planned trilogy of Tintin films, the first to be directed by Steven Spielberg. Which makes a lot more sense than casting him as Tintin.

"Spielberg thinks they make such an amusing pair that people will be happy to overlook their obvious physical differences," a source close to the production told the London Sunday Telegraph.

UPDATE: Simon Pegg revealed in The Sunday Times that Steven Spielberg suggested/asked that him and Nick Frost play the Thompson Twins in Tintin. Spielberg requested that Pegg meet him on the mocap set:

“Steven’s smoking a stogy, cap on head, like he’s always been since I was a baby,” Pegg says, shaking his head in wonder. “I shook his hand and chatted about films. He gave me the mo-cap [motion-capture] camera, and I had a play around with it. Then he said, ‘Hey, maybe you and Nick Frost could play the Thompson Twins.’ In Tintin. A Spielberg movie. To work with him is beyond .. . ” He trails off, lost for words.


1 comment:

  1. Dr Dr Can't you see I'm hurting hurting
