Wednesday 24 September 2008

The Outbreak - Fighting Fantasy style choose your own adventure

The good people fighting the good fight over on Quiet Earth stumbled upon this little beauty.

It is like the old Steve Jackson Fighting Fantasy books, but an online video story. You know the ones, Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Rebel Planet, Deathtrap Dungeon. You reach a junction if you turn left turn to 164, if you turn right go to 82. Yeah, that's it. You remember now.

The people behind The Outbreak have gone and made one of these but put it online as a Zombie style story. The first decision you can make is to "save the guy" or "leave him alone" and it moves on from there. You can even go back to your position if you die (just like keeping your thumb on the page in the books when you looked to see which was the best option to take), and in total, the film is 17 minutes long including all decisions.
GO HERE to start your zombie adventure! Let me know what you think of it.


  1. That's brilliant. Hope they do some more. Cheers for posting it

  2. That is really nifty, didnt expect such high quality. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. No worries Down 75 and Squirrel Girl. Glad you both enjoyed it. It is pretty good isn't it.

  4. This is obviously a popular retro theme at the moment.

    Working Fantasy anyone??

  5. Nice link Claire P. The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain is a great name. Definitely seems to be a lot of love for the old fighting fantasy books
